Course Description: Graffiti Girl

Mary Beth Shaw, Instructor

I am Mary Beth Shaw, a mixed media artist and founder of StencilGirl® Products. I am excited to welcome you to Graffiti Girl, my class on street art and stencil freedom. 

I love street art and graffiti so much; if I weren’t afraid of heights (!) and getting arrested (!) I might venture out onto the streets myself, ha!! Truly though, I can’t wait to share some very loose techniques with you. I firmly believe that my best art is made when I can get my brain to move out of the way and create from a more intuitive place, allowing my hand(s) to move freely.

In these videos, I have chosen to use a geometric theme of triangles. If you don’t resonate with triangles, please pick another geometric figure that resonates with you; perhaps you want to work with circles or squares or hexagons, whatever pleases you is the right thing.

Try to work with the flow of the project without editing yourself. Be messy. Allow the drips to happen and feel free to play. Disengage from the outcome.

Most of all enjoy!!!

Course curriculum


Mary Beth Shaw


Mary Beth Shaw worked in the insurance industry for 18 years before she quit her job in 2000 to re-ignite a childhood love of art. She is now a full time painter and internationally known workshop instructor. Her creative process is largely self taught, spontaneous and joyful. She is author of Flavor for Mixed Media and Stencil Girl , both published by F&W and is also a columnist for Somerset Studios Magazine.In 2010, Mary Beth recognized a need for 'artist designed' stencils and created StencilGirl Products, which has quickly grown into a respected supplier of high quality stencils for all media. Living with her husband and three cats, Mary Beth is passionate about every moment of life.